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Контрольная работа 181205-08
Контрольная работа
8 с.

Контрольная работа 181205-08 - работа из нашего списка "ГОТОВЫЕ РАБОТЫ". Мы помогли с ее выполнением и она была сдана на Отлично! Работа абсолютно эксклюзивная, нигде в Интернете не засвечена и Вашим преподавателям точно не знакома! Если Вы ищете уникальную, грамотно выполненную курсовую работу, контрольную, реферат и т.п. - Вы можете получить их на нашем ресурсе.
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Фрагмент работы:

Задание 1. Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

British law is divided into two parts – civil and criminal. There are also two types of courts – dealing with civil jurisdiction and the other, with criminal jurisdiction. The law of Britain distinguishes offences into main categories:
a) Indictable offences and

b) Non-indictable offences.

Indictable offences are the more serious crimes, which must be tried before a jury. Non-indictable offences are all the rest and they are tried by the Magistrates' Court. However, nowadays there are many offences which may either be treated on indictment by a jury or by a Magistrates' Court. When a person is brought before the magistrates' Court charged with one of the overlapping offences, the court may in many cases treat the charge as being for a non-indictable offence. The principal courts of ordinary criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales include:

a) Magistrates' Courts, which try the less serious offences and conduct preliminary inquiries into the more serious offences. They are presided over by Justices of the Peace.

b) Quarter Sessions which take place at least four times a year. They deal with more serious offences and are presided over either by a legally qualified chairman with a group of magistrates or by a single lawyer;

c) Assizes which are branches of the High Court and are presided over by High Court Judges. They deal with the most serious offen