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Контрольная работа 120628-07
17 с.
255 руб.

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Фрагмент работы:

Зачетная работа № 3


1. Лексический тест №3 3
1.1. Тест 3
1.2. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям 5
1.3. Составьте бухгалтерский баланс 6
2.2. Напишите письмо-напоминание об оплате 9
2.3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям и предложениям 10
2.4. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы к нему 12

1. Лексический тест №3

1.1. Тест

Our contract stipulated the damages for delays.

A) balance B) enclosure C) damages D) acceptance

We expected Brown & Co. to revise the prices for the goods.

A) to enclose B) to revise C) to cover D) to execute

The advice states the earnings, all the gains and the total amount payable.

A) stamps B) gains C) reports D) deductions

All the individuals, partnerships and trusts pay income tax and capital gains tax.

A) income B) inland C) equal D) balance

Corporation taxes are charged for a fiscal year.

A) annual B) prompt C) retained D) fiscal

The Ledger shows all the expenditures and all the earnings of the company.
A) data B) expenditures C) notes D) fixtures

A Profit and Loss Account shows the income or loss of the company for the period.
A) duty B) affair C) loss D) test

Auditors are usually independent certified accountants who review the financial records of a company.

A) employee B) accountants C) clerk D) receipts

A new depositor can open deposit account, loan account, time account, savings account.

A) trade B) loan C) current D) bill

Banks offer different services, among them checking the financial standing and creditworthiness of their potential customers.

A) reputation B) creditworthiness C)discount D) bill

The commercial or joint-stock banks deal with the general public.

A) merchant B) central C) joint-stock D) clearing

If the company needs to raise more capital for expansion it might issue new shares. This is called rights issue.

A) net profit B) jobber’s turn C) receipts D) rights issue

Shares, stocks and bonds form securities.

A) securities B) debenture C) gilts D) actuals

There are two kinds of people dealing on the Stock Exchange Market. They are brokers and jobbers.

A) bookkeepers B) controllers C) jobbers D) taxpayers

Insurance policy is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction.

A) Claim B) Benefit C) Insurance policy D) Relief

1.2. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям

conversation – discussion
to call – shout, cry; convene, convoke, summon; reckon, consider
to suggest – mean
income – incoming, gain, gaining, issue, finance
expenses – costs, outgoings, outlay
profit – benefit, use, good
stock – reserve, stockpile, budget, fund, holding
share capital – stock capital
gilts – gilding
insurance – cover, insurance underwriti