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Контрольная работа 091218
4 с.

Контрольная работа 091218 - работа из нашего списка "ГОТОВЫЕ РАБОТЫ". Мы помогли с ее выполнением и она была сдана на Отлично! Работа абсолютно эксклюзивная, нигде в Интернете не засвечена и Вашим преподавателям точно не знакома! Если Вы ищете уникальную, грамотно выполненную курсовую работу, контрольную, реферат и т.п. - Вы можете получить их на нашем ресурсе.
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Фрагмент работы:

Physical training development in Russia

In 20-30th the situation in sports movement became especially difficult and inconsistent. In the big degree it began to be defined by political ends and interests. It has formed the basis that the state began to carry out more and more patronage over sports and even to transform its institutes into a part of the device. We will notice that for development of sports it was not always bad.
Physical training and sports development represented one of «cultural revolution» directions to the USSR. Government programs of general physical training, support of the sports and sports organisations, inclusion of fizkulturno-sports objects in plans of civil building in the first decades of the Soviet power have allowed to lift considerably the general level of physical training in the country and to make sports by the appreciable phenomenon of a cultural life.
Various groups of the population have been invol